- President calls the meeting to order at 5:32
- VP does pledge and handshake
- Youth Facilitator tells us the environmental tip
- President tells us about crayon collection
- VP talks about last meeting
- Secretary presents minutes from last meeting
- Treasurer presents treasurer report
- President announces egg raffle
- Adult leader talks about Small Animal Field Day and cake booth
- Member talks about Rising Stars
- 2 members talk about Presentation Day
- President talks about certified leaders
- VP talks about Temescal Picnic
- Handscript and Collage project presents
- Chicken and Eggs present
- Circuitry and Programing present
- Get into Houses and do activity with Hannah
- Then we tally points
- Talia closes the meeting at 7:04
“Does anybody want to make a motion to approve the minutes? Does anybody second that motion? All in favor of the minutes say AYE. All opposed say NAY.”